Wednesday, September 5, 2007


These two images show a Russian SS-25 and American Peacekeeper strategic nuclear missiles. These are very early editions to the arsenal of missiles that are constantly being created by the worlds super powers. There are many category of missiles today; strategic and tactical missiles. Tactical missiles are normally used as short range and carry a low yield explosive warhead whereas the strategic missile does the opposite and are generally used to carry nuclear warheads of high yields.
Future missiles are not very different from current ones, however they do have much more advanced guidance systems than previous irritations. There is a heavy emphasis on mobile strategic and mainly ballistic missile launchers that carry nuclear warheads. Submarines are heavily used because of their ability to be hidden from aerial and satellite recon. Huge vehicles carrying nuclear and ballistic warheads also capable of intercontinental ranges.
Based on the research I did I think it would be appropriate to have wings for my missile much like the Tomahawk ballistic missile but have the size of a large strategic missile. It also seems that one missile carrying multiple warheads could be what the future for global destruction holds.


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