Wednesday, September 5, 2007

story for secondlife

The New Gods

It was 2025 when it happened. On a really hot summer day. Life was very different back when I was young; it was simpler and less infuriating. Now though, now everything has changed and it makes me sigh. There were hidden and obvious signs everywhere of this impending catastrophe, but nobody wanted to listen or take it as a serious matter. Global warming for one, increasing poverty, power struggles, environmental damage, oil, money, ignorant/arrogant governments and worst of all human beings. Why is it the human being is the only life form that although can feel things that no other living creature can, become increasingly violent and devilish towards their own kin. For centuries “world peace” has been preached by many as an achievable goal in the near future. I do not believe that to be true because as wise man once said “So long as there are men there will be wars”. Well this man is unquestionably correct in his statement, because on that hot summer day things got even hotter. Once you see the first flash of white light you find it hard not to think of it as another sun…that just went super nova. At that very moment you see this very magnificent and almighty bright flash of light your mind is wiped clean of its memory and everything from then on is reborn.

The most interesting thing about a explosion of that magnitude is that you do not hear any sort of impressive “Hollywood” style sounds, instead you hear a calm thump then a ringing hits your ear. The very moment you hear those sounds, the only option available to you is to run underground like a mole, everything after that is darkness. When the radiation had dissipated enough and the dust had settled coming out of a dark and cramped underground home can feel like you have just landed on another planet. Opening your eyes is a task in itself, but once you grab the full picture you see the atrocities that man hath brought onto thy self. A city that was once prosperous that was loved by all is now a 1940s World War II documentary only much, much worse. After you see a sight that will make any hard boiled man break down and cry you realize that Albert Einstein was right when he said “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”.

25 years from that faithful hot summer day and I still can’t get those final day I spent on the world I thought I knew. Now however life is different, everyone is cautious and defensive of anything they hold true and dear, be it a rock or a car they believe was theirs before everything went to hell. Hope is the only thing that keeps most people from going absolutely insane. Families were lost, lives were lost and worst of all…humanity was lost. All is not so grim however as people are slowly trying to rebuild a city that they clearly loved. It is a real tragedy and miracle at the same time that it takes such a Earth shattering event to bring so many people together to recreate and rebuild their city from the rubble that surrounds us. Many great landmarks in our city has either been polluted or completely wiped off the map; the Yarra River that was somewhat clean is now an infestation of radiation that is so toxic it has killed every living thing from bacteria to fish. The crown casino that was once so prominent has fallen into the Yarra River which is a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you perceive it. There are only very small quantities of buildings that have some of their physical remnants left from the blast; Victoria University and surrounding buildings, while the Flinders St Station took a hefty blow it still has its supports that has held it up for so many years. Federation square was completely decimated with 97% structural damage caused by the initial blast wave, and the 3% caused by the heat wave which melted almost everything, ironically it looks better than when it was standing. The most prominent “building figure” that is existed now which did not exist before is the nuclear missile that is jutting out of the ground after failing to detonate. Its presence is a powerful reminder of humanities power but also its naivety. Some people here believe it to be a symbol of hope for the city because it did not detonate effectively wiping out any remaining life forms and completely blocking out the sun for the next 10 years.

I however believe it is something much more sinister, I believe that it did not “fail” to detonate…but that it is has not come the moment for its detonation…

1 comment:

Dale said...

Brilliant story, really well done, I especially liked the quotes.
Your blog is looking good, I look forward to seeing what you create.